

How to Create Effective Display Ads on Google Ads

Vineetha. RK
24 Jul 2024

Advertising is an important part of business marketing and Google Ads has revolutionized the way businesses reach their audiences.

It offers a wide range of tools to get maximum visibility, engagement, and conversions. 

Even if you are a seasoned marketer or a business owner looking to expand your digital footprint, understanding how to create effective display ads on Google Ads can greatly influence your advertising success. 

In this blog, we will take you through what Google Display Ads are, share tips for designing eye-catching ads, and guide you step-by-step on setting up an effective display ad campaign in Google Ads.

Discover how to Create Effective Display Ads on Google Ads with our detailed blog.


What is Google Display Ads?

Google Display Ads is an online platform that allows businesses to show their products or services through visually appealing banner ads, video ads, and interactive ads.

They are basically visual-based advertisements that appear on the Google Display Network (GDN), a vast collection of over two million websites, apps, and videos where your ads can be displayed.

In contrast to traditional text-based ads, they use rich media, videos, and images to capture the attention of the audience.

These ads are highly versatile and can help you achieve various marketing goals, from brand awareness to driving direct conversions.

It is a powerful advertising medium that enables businesses to reach their target audience efficiently and maximize their online presence.


Tips for Designing Great Google Display Ads

Here are some tips that you can use to create effective display ads on Google Ads:


1. Make Your Colors Count

Colors play a major role in grabbing attention and conveying your brand’s message. 

When designing your display ads, make sure to use colors that align with your brand identity and get the desired emotions. 

Bold and contrasting colors can make your ad stand out, but avoid overloading your ad with too many different shades. 

A balanced color scheme can create a visually appealing ad that attracts clicks.


2. Keep it Simple

Simplicity must be the synonym of your display ads.

An overcrowded ad with too much information can overburden and distract the viewers by not conveying your message in the right way. 

You have to pay attention on one main idea or offer per ad. 

Make use of clear and concise language, and ensure that your visuals are straightforward and easy to understand at a glance. 

Don’t forget that you only have a few seconds to make an impression, so make them count.


3. Compelling Ad Copy

Your ad copy is just as important as the visuals, so create a compelling message that resonates with your target audience.

When describing your product or service, use convincing or persuasive language and emphasize its advantages. 

You can keep your copy short and punchy, and can also include a strong headline that easily draws viewers in. 

Make sure that your messaging is consistent with your overall marketing strategy to maintain brand consistency.


4. Irresistible Calls to Action

A clear and compelling call to action (CTA) is very necessary for encouraging viewers to take the next step. 

Whether it’s “Learn More,” “Sign Up,” or “Shop Now,” your CTA should be prominent and direct. 

You can use action-oriented language that creates a sense of urgency or excitement. 

To improve your CTAs you can also experiment with different ways of writing to see which ones resonate best with your audience.


5. An Ad for All Seasons

While planning, make sure to create display ads that are relevant to different times of the year.

It can help you increase its effectiveness. 

You can also consider designing seasonal ads that align with holidays, events, or seasonal trends. 

This approach to ad making can make your ads feel timely and relevant, encouraging viewers to engage. 

Also, ensure that your seasonal ads still maintain your brand’s overall look and feel for consistency.

You shouldn’t compromise with your goals, ideals, and unique traits while trying to impress the audience.


6. Quality Images

High-quality images can easily make or break your display ad. 

Blurry or poorly composed images can reflect poorly on your brand. 

It can display your brand in a negative light, causing potential customers to lose trust and interest. 

This can lead to lower engagement rates and ultimately hurt your conversion rates.

So it is better to invest in professional photography or use high-resolution stock images that are relevant to your message. 

Select images that are visually appealing and directly related to your product or service. 

It is better to avoid generic or clichéd imagery that fails to make your brand stand out from the rest.


How to Set Up an Effective Display Ad in Google Ads

Creating effective display ads on Google Ads involves several steps. 

Here’s a detailed explanation to help in setting up an effective Display Ad:


Step 1: Creating a New Campaign


  • Log into Google Ads

You can start the setting up process by logging into your Google Ads account. 

If you don’t have one, you will have to create a new account.


  • Start a New Campaign

Find and click on the “Campaigns” tab in the left-hand menu. 

Then, find and click on the blue “+” button to start a new campaign.


  • Select Your Campaign Goal

Google Ads will instruct you to choose a campaign goal. 

Sales, Leads, Website Traffic, Product and Brand Consideration, Brand Awareness and Reach, or App Promotion are a few goal options that are available. 

Relax and choose the goal that matches your business objectives.


Step 2: Choosing Display Ads


  • Select Campaign Type

After selecting your goal, choose “Display” as your campaign type. 

This will make sure that your ads will appear across the Google Display Network.


  • Choose a Campaign Subtype 

Now, you have to choose between a “Standard display campaign” or a “Smart display campaign”. 

Standard campaigns offer more control and customization options, while Smart campaigns are more automated and use Google’s machine learning to optimize your ads.

Choose the most suitable campaign type that you think is the best.


Step 3: Naming Your Campaign


  • Name Your Campaign 

It is the time to give your campaign a name that reflects its objectives. 

For instance, if you are promoting a summer sale, you could name it “Summer Sale Display Campaign”.


  • Keep Organized

A clear naming practice can help you in keeping your campaigns organized.

It is especially good if you are running multiple campaigns simultaneously.


Step 4: Setting the Location


  • Specify Geographic Locations

In this step, you can decide where you want your ads to be shown. 

This can be at the country, region, city, or even zip code level.


  • Exclude Locations 

You can also remove locations where you don’t want your ads to appear. 

This will help you in showing your ads to the to the most relevant audience.

It is a type of filtering process that can help you in reaching your potential customers. 


Step 5: Language and Budget


  • Set Language Preferences

Now, you can select the language in which your ads will be displayed. 

This should rightly match the language spoken by your target audience.

This is a crucial thing, as it can clearly influence the conversion rate.


  • Define Your Budget 

You have to set a daily budget for your campaign. 

This is the maximum amount you are willing to spend on the ad per day. 

Google Ads will use this budget to optimize your ad placements.


  • Bid Strategy

You have to choose a bidding strategy based on your campaign goals. 

Cost-per-click (CPC), Cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM), or Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) are some of the available bidding strategy options.

Pick out the best option that matches your goals and ad.


Step 6: Selecting Your Audience


  • Define Your Audience

Now, you need to determine the demographics of your target audience, including age, gender, parental status, and household income.


  • Audience Segments 

Select predefined audience segments based on interests, habits, and behaviors. 

Google Ads offers various audience segments such as In-market audiences, Affinity audiences, and Custom intent audiences.


Step 7: Adding More Targeting


  • Keyword Targeting 

Add relevant keywords that match the themes and tone of your ad. 

This helps Google show your ads to users searching for similar terms.


  • Topic Targeting

Pick specific topics related to your business. 

Your ads will appear on websites and apps that cover these topics.


  • Placement Targeting

Select specific websites, YouTube channels, or apps where you want your ads to appear. 

This gives you the control over where your ads should be shown.


  • Demographic Targeting 

Refine your targeting further by specifying additional demographic details. 

This can help you reach the most relevant audience for your product or service.


Step 8: Setting up Your Ad


  • Design Your Ad

Now it is the time to make your ad. 

Upload your images or videos, write compelling ad copy, and include a strong call to action (CTA). 

Make it the best!


  • Ad Formats

Choose from various ad formats, such as responsive display ads, uploaded image ads, or video ads. 

Responsive display ads are recommended because they automatically adjust to fit different ad spaces.


  • Preview Your Ad: 

Google Ads also has a feature to show a preview of how your ad will look on different devices. 

But you have to make sure that your ad appears correctly in all formats.


  • Save and Launch: 

Once you are satisfied with your ad, click “Create Campaign” to save and launch your campaign.

Google Ads will review your ad before it goes live to check that it follows the advertising policies of the platform.



Creating effective display ads on Google Ads requires a blend of creative design and strategic planning. 

By following these tips and steps, you can easily create and develop ads that are not only eye-catching but also give you tangible results. 

But don’t forget to keep experimenting with different designs, messages, and targeting options to continually optimize your ads for better performance. 

With a passion for creating better ads and a keen eye for detail, you can easily create display ads that can help you in achieving your marketing goals.


Wish to learn more about Google ads? Check out our other blogs as well!


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