

Remarketing with Google Ads: Strategies to Win Back Customers

Gayathry Sunil
26 Jul 2024

Have you ever wondered how businesses seem to follow you around the internet, reminding you of the products you were just looking at? 

This is a purposeful and targeted approach known as remarketing.

It is a powerful tool within Google Ads that helps businesses re-engage with users who have previously interacted with their website or app. 

In this blog, let’s try to understand remarketing in Google Ads and explore various Google Ads remarketing strategies to win back customers.

Discover effective remarketing strategies to win back customers and boost your conversion rates.


Remarketing in Google Ads

Remarketing strategies in Google Ads means showing ads to people who have visited your website or used your app but did not complete a desired action.

The action could mean something like making a purchase, filling a form or watching a video, etc.

These targeted ads aim to bring visitors back to your site to complete the conversion process that might not have occurred in the past. 

The ease of Google Ads remarketing lies in its precision and effectiveness while making sure that your ads reach only to a highly relevant audience.


How Does Remarketing Work?

Google Ads uses cookies or mobile advertising IDs to track user behavior on your website. 

These cookies create a list of users who have interacted or connected with your brand in a specific way.

When these users visit other websites that display Google Ads, your targeted ads can appear alongside their content.

This can remind them of their past interest and prompt them to return to your site.

This continuous exposure to your brand can significantly increase the chances of conversion.

Now, let’s take a look at the different types of remarketing strategies you can use within Google Ads:


Kinds of Remarketing Strategies


Dynamic Remarketing

Dynamic remarketing uses a personalized approach that shows users ads that are directly related to the products or services they viewed on your website.

You just think about a user browsing a specific pair of shoes on your online store. 

With dynamic remarketing, they will see targeted ads featuring those specific shoes across various websites they visit.

This level of customization can significantly boost your conversion rates, as users are reminded of their specific interests.


Email Remarketing

Even though it is not directly a part of Google Ads, email remarketing is a powerful tool that complements your Google Ads strategy. 

It involves sending targeted emails to users who have subscribed to your newsletter or provided their email addresses during their visit.

With this remarketing strategy, you can create targeted email campaigns based on user behavior on your website. 

For example, sending an abandoned cart email reminder with a discount code can attract users to finalize their purchase.

Using Email remarketing, you can encourage them to return and complete their purchase.


Social Media Remarketing

Social media remarketing uses Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to re-engage users who have visited your website. 

This allows you to display targeted ads to users who have shown their interest by visiting your website.

This type of approach can help you expand your reach and remind them of your brand.

For example, if a user looks at a laptop on your website but does not make a purchase, you can use social media remarketing.

You can show ads for that laptop or related accessories on their LinkedIn or Instagram feed.

This keeps your brand in front of potential customers as they scroll through their favorite apps.


Video Remarketing

Video remarketing targets users who have interacted with your videos on YouTube, any streaming platform, or your website. 

By showing them related video ads, you can redirect your message and drive them back to your site to take action.

Through video remarketing, you can attract users who have visited specific product pages or abandoned their carts using product features or special offers.


Search Remarketing

Search remarketing allows you to show your ads to users who have previously searched for keywords related to your products or services. 

For instance, if someone searches for ‘best running shoes’ but doesn’t visit your website, you can use search remarketing to display your ads to them when they continue their search journey.

Even if they didn’t visit your website initially, search remarketing keeps your brand at the forefront of their minds.

This increases the chance of conversion when they resume their search.


Remarketing Strategies to Win Back Customers

Using effective remarketing strategies for Google Ads can significantly enhance your ability to win back customers. 

Here are some proven strategies that can help you:

Up-sell or cross-sell to existing customers

One of the most effective ways to use Google Ads remarketing strategy is by up-selling or cross-selling to your existing customers.

Up-selling means encouraging customers to purchase a more expensive version of the product they are interested in while cross-selling means suggesting complementary products.


How to Implement:


Dynamic Ads: 

Use dynamic remarketing ads to show related products that the customer might be interested in based on their previous browsing history.


Customized Messaging: 

Tailor your ad copy to highlight the benefits of upgrading to a premium product or the convenience of purchasing complementary items.


Special Offers and Discounts: 

Provide exclusive discounts or bundled deals to entice customers to make additional purchases.


  • Increases the average order value
  • Improves customer satisfaction by meeting more of their needs
  • Builds a stronger customer relationship by offering personalized suggestions.


Adjust your location and language targeting settings

Refining your location and language targeting settings can make sure that your ads are shown to the most relevant audience. This increases the likelihood of conversions and improves your ad spend.


How to Implement:


Geographic Targeting: 

Identify regions where your products or services are most popular and focus your remarketing efforts there


Language Preferences: 

Ensure your ads are displayed in the preferred language of your target audience to enhance their relevance and effectiveness


  • Increases ad relevance by targeting users in specific locations
  • Improves user experience by presenting ads in their preferred language
  • Maximizes return on investment by focusing on high-performing regions


Extend or decrease the duration of the remarketing lists

The duration of your remarketing lists should align with your sales cycle. Adjusting the length of time users remain on your list can improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.


How to Implement:


Long Sales Cycle: 

For products or services with a longer decision-making process, extend the duration to keep your brand top-of-mind.


Short Sales Cycle: 

For quicker purchase decisions, decrease the duration to avoid targeting users who are no longer interested.


  • Maintains engagement with potential customers over the appropriate time frame
  • Reduces wasted ad spending on users who are unlikely to convert.
  • Enhances the relevance of your ads by targeting users at the right time


Accelerate ad delivery

In time-sensitive campaigns, accelerated ad delivery can help you reach your audience more quickly. This approach is particularly useful during promotions or limited-time offers.


How to Implement:


Ad Scheduling: 

Set your ads to run more frequently during peak times or when your target audience is most active.


Budget Allocation: 

Allocate a higher portion of your daily budget to ensure your ads are shown more often during these critical periods.


  • Increases the visibility of your ads during crucial times
  • Boosts the chances of conversions by reaching users quickly
  • Maximizes the impact of time-sensitive promotions


Focus on websites that show results

Not all websites in the Google Display Network will yield the same results. Analyzing the performance of your remarketing campaigns across different sites can help you identify which ones are most effective.


How to Implement:


Performance Analysis: 

Use Google Ads reports to track the performance of your ads on different websites


Site Exclusions: 

Exclude low-performing sites from your campaigns to optimize your ad spend


Bid Adjustments:

Increase bids for placements on high-performing sites to maximize exposure


  • Optimizes your budget by focusing on high-converting sites
  • Increases the overall efficiency of your remarketing campaigns
  • Enhances the likelihood of reaching and converting potential customers


Grow remarketing list size

A larger remarketing list provides more opportunities to re-engage and convert potential customers. By attracting more visitors to your site, you can expand your remarketing efforts.


How to Implement:


SEO and PPC Campaigns:

Invest in search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising to drive more traffic to your site


Content Marketing: 

Create valuable content that attracts visitors and encourages them to explore your offerings


Social Media Marketing: 

Use social media platforms to promote your site and increase visitor numbers


  • Expands your audience and increases the pool of potential customers
  • Provides more data for refining and optimizing your remarketing campaigns
  • Enhances your ability to reach a wider range of users who have shown interest in your brand



Remarketing strategies for Google Ads offer an innovative and fresh way to re-engage potential customers and drive conversions. 

By using various remarketing strategies like dynamic remarketing, and email remarketing, you can create comprehensive and unique ways to win back customers.

Adopting these remarketing strategies for Google ads can bring significant improvements in your marketing efforts and overall business performance. 

With the right approach and attitude, remarketing can become a key component of your digital marketing strategy, driving growth and success.


Wish to learn more about Google ads? Check out our other blogs as well!


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